Who gets Career Coaching?

Everyone from the C-Suite to Senior/Middle and Lower management along with lower entry-level will benefit from career coaching sessions from Carmel O’Keeffe

Why do people get Career Coaching?

  • Feeling stuck in their current roles
  • Would like to move on and explore other career options
  • Returning to work after maternity leave, feeling less confident than when you went on leave?
  • Feeling overwhelmed with their workload
  • Stressful work conditions
  • A knot in your stomach every morning (not only on Mondays) going to work
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • For one reason or another, relations with your manager have deteriorated
  • Career progression no longer available

Outcomes of Career Coaching

Provides clarity of vision in your career
Helps to move forward in a positive way and with resilience

The Career Coaching Process

The first part of the career coaching process is all about self-assessment.  You will learn about your personality, interests, aptitudes and values.
We will use certain tools to identify these.
It is a process of exploration and discovery.

We deep dive into your skills and strengths and ask, what is your WHY?

Think about how you might answer:

What words do others use to describe me?

  • Have you pushed yourself to achieve things that go above and beyond?
  • What are my values; what is the benefit of living by them and, how can I ensure that I do so?
  • How have I been successful? What traits enabled this success?
  • Have you ever changed the way you did something having received feedback?
  • How can you identify transferable skills from your achievements?

You will learn about your...

  • Interests and work-related values
  • Aptitudes in preferred work environments
  • You will learn to recognize that there are some non-negotiables
  • Learn how to pivot

I explore 5 Career Coaching areas


Work-related values
Personality Type
Preferred Work Environments
Developmental needs

Career Exploration:

Set up a system to keep a record of your job searches
Online resources
Job Market

Job Match:

Identify what roles you are most interested in and identify a few alternatives
What could stop you?
How will you prepare for a transition from an existing career?
What will that take?
Are further education/upskilling necessary?
What are the non-negotiables?

Take Action:

Identify your personal Brand
Write a POA (Plan of Action)
Identify long and short-term career goals.
What will it take to reach your ultimate goal

Job Search Strategy:

Job Sites
LinkedIn Profile
Cover Letter


  • 1 hour Session
  • Price per hour
  • Zoom or in person

Career Coaching Package

  • 6 x 1 hour Sessions
  • Price per hour
  • Zoom or in person
I am so thankful that I got to meet you and got all that help from you it made a fierce difference. The big thing I think that stood to me was the way you made me think about how they are thinking of me when I walk in after seeing my CV. And another thing was the way that you advised me that they want someone to fit in with the team I really took all those things on board and I think they really helped me in both interviews. Your advice was fantastic thank you so much and I will be keeping all that in mind when I start in the new role.  I will be recommending you to everyone!  Buíochas ó chroí, 
Interview Training client

Setting Goals

Goal setting is mostly about identifying what you want to achieve and how. A well-defined goal motivates and energises. It inspires you, challenges you and pushes you to grow.

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